Statutes of the FIJEV
General Assembly oJune 15th, 2015
The French version of this text is the only legally valid one.
Whenever possible, the FIJEV will translate the texts and documents into English, so that its non-French speaking members can read them.
[La version francaise de ce texte est la seule légalement valable.
Toute les fois que cela sera possible, la FIJEV traduira les textes et les documents en anglais, afin que ses membres non francophones puissent prendre connaissance des écrits.]
Article 1: Establishment and name
Under these statutes the members hereby establish an Association regulated by the French Law of 1 July 1901 and the decree of 16 August 1901 to be named: Fédération Internationale des Journalistes et Ecrivains des Vins et Spiritueux. It is also to be known as FIJEV.
Article 2: Goals
The association's goal is to encourage communication between its members and people outside the Association who distribute information, organize congresses, study tours, conferences, discussion-dinners, tastings and various gatherings, produce a newsletter, publish a website and sell advertising, publish a directory and sell advertising given to all active members, sustain links with public bodies and professional organizations to assist with the transfer of information to its members and to promote cultural aspects connected with wine. General aspects of the legal defence of the profession of wine journalists, reporters and writers, may be part of the object of the Association.
Article 3: Head office
The head office is located in the district of Seine, in Paris. All printed correspondence must be send to the postal address of the general secretary, reported on the website:
The head office can be relocated to anywhere, in France, following a decision from the Board; the general assembly will be informed of any relocation.
Article 4: Duration
The duration of the Association is unlimited.
Article 5: Definition of the members of the Association
The various categories of members are:
1) Active members, also called “journalists”
They are journalists, reporters and editors (all forms of publication except subsidized promotional material or "advertorials") with one or more regular publications (appearing at least quarterly) as well as authors and writers on wines and spirits which activity is widely recognized.
The status of active members is determined by the delivery of the official FIJEV press card with membership ID number and photo. Active members can vote during the assembly (general or extraordinary) and are involved in the regular activity of the association. The yearly fees for active members are determined by the Board.
2) Associate members*
Associate members are those accepted by the FIJEV Bureau; individuals who have shown a genuine interest for wine and spirits but whose editorial activities are not regular enough to be considered as journalist, writer, reporter, or author. They cannot vote at the General Assembly, and do not receive a FIJEV Press Card. The yearly fees for associate members are determined by the Board.
3) Benefactor members
Benefactor members are individuals or organizations working on protection and promotion of wines, distilled spirits and liqueurs, either directly or indirectly, and who wish to sustain in broad terms the activity of the Association through gifts, legacies and various forms of participation which lead to the association to benefits financially or on other forms, or with specific advantages (enologist, wine makers, commercial concerns, grape growers, producers, distillers, wineries managers, public relations offices, press attachés, brokers, cellars, restaurant and hotel owners). They cannot vote at the General Assembly, and do not receive a FIJEV Press Card. The subscription of benefactor members will be set by the Board and will be equal to at least ten times the amount of active member’s subscription.
4) Honorary members
Honorary Members are those persons who have provided significant services to the Association, who are elected at the General Assembly on proposal by the Board. They do not pay any yearly fees. These cannot vote at the General Assembly, and do not receive a FIJEV Press Card.
Article 6: Application
New members (active, associate, benefactors) must be sponsored by two active FIJEV members and supply the general secretary with some documents (see internal rules).
To be part of the association, each member has to accept the present statutes, pay his/her annual fee. It is confirmed that the membership is attained only after the payment of dues.
The final decision on new application will be made by the FIJEV President.
Article 7: Member obligations
Each member:
1) has to pay an annual fee, except for Honorary members;
2) is obligated to accept responsibility to respect the statutes, the member behaviour chart and the internal rules. There is no exception;
3) will inform the general secretary of any change in her/his professional situation which would affect their standing with FIJEV (cessation of professional activity, status changing etc…).
Article 8: Membership resignation
Membership status is lost:
1) through resignation;
2) through final cessation of professional activity;
3) through automatic removal for non-payment of the subscription dues after the deadline;
4) through removal decided by the Board, on proposal of the National/Regional Delegate or the FIJEV. Bureau. This decision must be accompanied by the reasons and the member will be invited to defend her/his right at the Board;
5) following death for individuals or termination of the activity for companies.
Article 9: Revenues
The revenues of the Association are derived from:
1) members' subscriptions;
2) grants from public organizations or professional bodies;
3) gifts and legacies from benefactor members;
4) eventual promotional activities;
5) directory's sales.
Article 10: Board and Office
The association is managed by the members of the Board and those from the Office, elected for four years by the General Assembly.
The Board is made of maximum 13 (thirteen) members selected from FIJEV active members (by secret ballot or by show of hands if it so desires) and includes the Office members.
The Board will be choosing from FIJEV active members, by secret ballot or by show of hands if so desired, those who will the members of the Bureau.
The President may indicate to the Office one or more candidates (selected from FIJEV active members) of her/his choice for the position of the general secretary.
The Office (Bureau) is made of a president, two vice-presidents, a general secretary, and a treasurer. In the case of a vacancy in the Office, the President may nominate a provisional substitute. The next general assembly must address this temporary position and elect a permanent replacement.
The application of FIJEV actives members for the position of members of the Board and the Office must be sent in writing to the general secretary at least 15 days before the general ordinary assembly in order to her/him to make them known.
Article 11: Board meeting
Board of Directors shall meet at least once per year physically or virtually (for example videoconference), on instruction of the President or on a Board accepted request. Decisions are taken by majority vote. In the case of a tie vote, the President's decision prevails.
Article 12: General Assembly
The General Assembly, which takes place annually, is open to all current members of the Association. It shall be itinerant, with its location determined ahead of time. Only active members – present or by proxy –, so with up-to-date fees on the General assembly day, may vote.
The President assisted by the members of the Office, determine the agenda of the Assembly and reports about association status.
The Treasurer provides a statement of accounts and presents the balance sheet for the approval of the Assembly.
At the General Assembly, only pre-submitted written questions, recorded in the agenda, will be addressed. The General Assembly takes its decisions by a majority of votes by secret ballot or by show of hands if the Office desires
According to the particular situation of FIJEV members located worldwide, an electronic ballot procedure may be organized.
Article 13: Extraordinary General Assembly
The general assembly is extraordinary when the deliberations are:
1) on statutes modification;
2) on ceasing of the association.
All rules described for the general assembly are identical for the extraordinary general assembly (see art. 12).
Article 14: Internal rules
A set of internal rules is established by the Office, which submits it for approval to the Board. These rules are used to fix some points not covered by statutes, particularly those concerning the internal management of the Association.
Article 15: Cessation of the association
In the case of cessation, an extraordinary general assembly will establish how and to whom the goods and the active, if any, of the association will be given to. This assembly will nominate one or more administrators in charge of dispatching the properties, according to the article 9 of the French Law of 1 July 1901 and the decree of 16 August 1901.
*The application of new members with the statute of associate member has been suspended starting from June 15th, 2015.
Michael Hornickel Anne Meglioli
Président Secrétaire générale